7th International Trading Conference 2017

2017년 10월 24일(화)
- 장소 : 2nd floor Crystal Ballroom, LotteHotel, Ulsan
- 참가자 : 에너지 트레이딩 관련 국내외 주요인사 및 일반참가자
- 담당부서 : 국제에너지트레이딩센터
- 담당자 : 서혜영
- 연락처 : 217-3161
- 이메일 : si20522@unist.ac.kr
Technology Innovation and Energy Commodity Market
- Energy, commodity market outlook due to acceleration of technology development and change of industry paradigm
- Strategies for expanding North-east Asia oil market after deregulation
- Application of data to energy market: Disclosure of public energy data, Algorithmic trading
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