신소재공학부 콜로키움 2016-1 개최

- title:A New Lead-free Piezoelectric BiFeO3-BaTiO3
Ceramics System
1. prof. Tae Kwon Song
(Department of Convergence Materials Science and Engineering, Changwon National University)
2. Abstract
Lead-free piezoelectric materials have been studied to replace the commonly used
lead zirconate titanate (PZT) because of environmental and health issues. Piezoelectric
properties are usually inversely proportional to the phase transition Curie temperature (TC),
but PZT is an exception that has good piezoelectric properties with a high TC. Here we show
that a bismuth ferrite (BF) and barium titanate (BT) solid solution system can achieve good
piezoelectric properties with a high TC when fabricated with low-temperature sintering
followed by a water-quenching process, with no complicated grain alignment processes
performed. By adding the super-tetragonal compound of bismuth gallium oxide, the
piezoelectric properties were equal to that of PZT ceramics and exhibited good long-term
3.grape 설명
Figure 1 Piezoelectric properties (d33) and Curie temperatures (TC) of various piezoceramics.
4.* Time : 16:00 on Mar 10 (Thur)
* Location : Engineering Building 1, E207
* Contact : Prof. Wook Jo
wookjo@unist.ac.kr (2347)
Ceramics System
1. prof. Tae Kwon Song
(Department of Convergence Materials Science and Engineering, Changwon National University)
2. Abstract
Lead-free piezoelectric materials have been studied to replace the commonly used
lead zirconate titanate (PZT) because of environmental and health issues. Piezoelectric
properties are usually inversely proportional to the phase transition Curie temperature (TC),
but PZT is an exception that has good piezoelectric properties with a high TC. Here we show
that a bismuth ferrite (BF) and barium titanate (BT) solid solution system can achieve good
piezoelectric properties with a high TC when fabricated with low-temperature sintering
followed by a water-quenching process, with no complicated grain alignment processes
performed. By adding the super-tetragonal compound of bismuth gallium oxide, the
piezoelectric properties were equal to that of PZT ceramics and exhibited good long-term
3.grape 설명
Figure 1 Piezoelectric properties (d33) and Curie temperatures (TC) of various piezoceramics.
4.* Time : 16:00 on Mar 10 (Thur)
* Location : Engineering Building 1, E207
* Contact : Prof. Wook Jo
wookjo@unist.ac.kr (2347)
2016년 03월 10일(목)
- 장소 : 제1공학관 E207호
- 참가자 : UNIST 신소재공학부 대학원생
- 담당부서 : 신소재공학부 행정실
- 담당자 : 최예환
- 연락처 : 052-217-3523
신소재공부가 2016학년 1학기 ‘신소재공학부 콜로키움’ 첫 번째 세미나를 3월 10일(목) 오후 4시 제1공학관 207호에서 개최합니다. 창원대학교 송태권 교수가 강사로 나섭니다.
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생명과학부 콜로키움 2016-1 개최